Senior Copywriter

Bones Love Milk

Eric Santarsiero works on Bones Love Milk creative advertising platforms for social media, digital media, radio, activation, and broadcast. Copywriting for Bones Love Milk (Got Milk?) client at Gallegos United.

Bones Love Milk

A sub-brand/campaign within Got Milk?, Bones Love Milk was created to specifically target the teen audience because of their lack of milk consumption. We found role models they’d listen to in a sport that definitely requires a good amount of calcium - skateboarding.


@boneslovemilk - Social Media

Almost all our media was right where these kids consumed it - on Instagram. The demographic is too young for Facebook, but also too cool to follow a “brand”. This means we had to be sneaky, making content that was raw and original.

Role: Concept & Copywriter | With: Dino Spadavecchio & Tim Mendez

Bones Love Milk (Got Milk?) Social Media - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Bones Love Milk (Got Milk?) Social Media - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio

The Shredquarters - Activation

The US Open in Huntington Beach is one of the nations’ biggest skating events and our agency happened to be across the street. This provided the perfect opportunity to attract our young audience into a free, indoor skatepark. Having a legend like Christian Hosoi on our team didn’t hurt either. Oh yeah, we also got picked up by the press: Red Carpet TV, Spectrum News 1, Transworld Skate, Juice, People, CelebBuzz, and tons of others.

Role: Concept & Copywriter | With: Dino Spadavecchio, Sharon Cleary, Arthur Amiune, Matt Neustadter, Tim Mendez & Dean Alari

Shredquarters Bones Love Milk - Zach Doelling, Bryce Wettstein, Cordano Russell - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Shredquarters Bones Love Milk - Christian Hosoi, Tom Asta, Chris Cole - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Shredquarters, Activation Events Bones Love Milk - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio

Daily Events - Activation

Every day we hosted a different event while kids tore up The Shredquarters. From getting a fresh haircut to designing your own kicks (with Steve freaking Caballero), kids and parents alike had no reason to be across the street in the baking sun.

Bones Love Milk Shredquarters Activation - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Bones Love Milk Shredquarters Activation - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Bones Love Milk Shredquarters Activation - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio
Bones Love Milk Shredquarters Activation - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio

#Shredquarters - Social Support

With all the dope artwork we developed, how could we not add it to our IG stories? Kids could search our Shreddy-to-post GIPHYs to customize their stories in the park.


The Art of Falling - Social Media

What’s one thing that skateboarding, snowboarding, biking, etc. all have in common? Falling. So we got professionally insane snowboarder, Trevor Jacob, to meet with other extreme athletes to learn their falling techniques.

Role: Concept & Copywriter | With: Dino Spadavecchio, Sharon Cleary, Jonatan Maldonado, & Tim Mendez

Bones Love Milk (Got Milk?) Art of Falling Digital - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio

#TheArtofFalling - Social Support

To support our videos on Youtube, we posted cut-downs, stills, and carousels on Instagram when each episode aired. Our falling experts also posted to their channels, driving more views.

Bones Love Milk (Got Milk?) Art of Falling Social Media - Eric Santarsiero, Copywriter Portfolio